Purchase a gift voucher
Every moment we make a gift is unique! But when it comes time to choose it for our beloved friend or relative, we do not find the time or creativity to find the right one! At Star Nails – Sergio we give you the opportunity to give a gift voucher of any value you want and to offer your loved one the joy of choosing between thousands of products!
- Vouchers are only available at Star Nails – Sergio physical stores.
- The duration, within which it can be used, is six (6) months from the date of sale. After the expiration of the above six-month period, the gift voucher is deactivated and it is not possible to redeem it or replace it.
- The gift voucher is purchased and redeemed exclusively from the physical Star Nails – Sergio stores. The use of the gift voucher is made in a lump sum and for the entire amount in any store.
- The gift voucher can not be redeemed in cash, it can only be exchanged for purchased goods of at least equal or greater value, paying the difference.
Terms of gift vouchers
- The gift voucher is non-nominal and incorporates a promise to be delivered to the bearer.
- Each genuine gift voucher bears the amount of the gift voucher and the Star Nails – Sergio logo on the front as well as a security barcode. In case the elements of the barcode are altered in any way, so that the authenticity of the gift voucher is not certain, the store has the right at its sole discretion to refuse its exchange with goods of at least equal or greater value (if paid the difference).
- Based on the Greek legislation and more specifically according to paragraph 109 of article 7 of the Tax Code for the Visualization of Transactions (Law 4093/2012) for the purchase of gift vouchers from physical stores Star Nails – Sergio no retail receipt or invoice is issued because there is no delivery-sale of goods, but the purchase of a right in favor of a third party which is integrated in the gift voucher, ie a type of check, the bearer of which acquires the right to purchase goods of equal value of his choice from the store who issued it. When the bearer of the gift voucher appears and buys goods of equal value, then a sale takes place and the corresponding tax document is issued.
- Star Nails – Sergiostores exchange the presented gift voucher by delivering to the bearer goods of at least equal or greater value (if he has paid the difference) without carrying out an identity check and are not responsible for it.
- The gift voucher must be kept as cash as in case of loss or theft it is not replaced or canceled. Star Nails – Sergio stores are not responsible in case of loss or theft of a gift voucher.
Contact the accounting department by sending an email to info@sergionails.gr to find out how you will obtain the gift voucher. Otherwise you can call: +30 210 8985089 or fax: +30 210 8941705.