Ordering Methods
To place an order you do not have to be a registered member of our online store. If you choose to register be sure it is completely secure and encrypted, to avoid any spying. Your personal data is used exclusively by us, for your information and the delivery of your products.
You can complete your order as a guest without being a registered member, where you will be asked for the necessary contact and shipping details of your order.
By registering, the basic prices of our online store are automatically unlocked. After checking your details, we will activate your membership discounts depending on whether you are a beauty professional or a beauty business. Keep the login details to connect each time. You are logged in with the login details you have chosen (email – password) each time and the personal prices of your account are displayed, as well as the available offers for your membership category.
By Phone
You can call us and place your order by phone. You will be informed by phone about your discounts and everything else related to your order.
You can call us even if you are our registered member, we will log in to your account and we will complete your order for you. You will be asked for your account email to find your tab. All your personal discounts will apply and we will inform you about them.